Friday, August 5, 2011

Bride of Frank-Zilla-Chucky - Bridesmaids

4 1/2 out of 5 Popcorn Kernels

Laugh Out Loud

There are some movies tht are Laugh-Out-Loud...and then there are those that are Laugh-In-You-Head...and lastly, there are those, that if they were transformed into a cold drink - they would give you brain freeze.

Bridesmaids is the latter.

This is a movie that sneaks up on you and smacks you upside the head as it delivers upfront on what type of humor it is willing to give, but also surprises you on what it dares to deliver.

This movie begins with two best friends Annie (Kristen Wiig) and Lillian (Maya Rudolph) who are talking about the night they have just had with their uncommitted lovers. The discussion takes on such a turn, that one would be appalled at two seemingly career-minded women, would begin talking as if they had just come from a screen-test of Sex In The City. But as their talk continues we discover that Lillian has just been proposed to by her now fiance - who has gotten a promotion which has put Lillian in at a class level that Annie hasn't reached; this also explains why they have lost touch with each other, as Lillan has been hobnobbing with the elite. But because of their childhood history, Lillian asks Annie to plan her wedding, and takes her to a small party to introduce her to her bridesmaids.

This is where Annie meets Helen; Lillian's sister-in-law and new friend, who now wants to have the title of Best Friend. So as Anna meets a hilarious crew of bridesmaids, we see that Helen is undermining her every idea - and this takes us on a journey into the lives of these women, the ideas of friendship, and an adventure that is at once funny, and delightfully shocking at others.

Bridesmaids starts of running and seems to never stop, at least until about the middle of the movie where there develops a romantic segue into Annie's life - which is good, because between her job at a jewelry store, her aging mother, her sex-buddy buddy, and her co-dependant friendship - she has enough going on. Then we take a dip into the other actors, all sharp, all funny, and all feed off each other, and we have one of the best buddy-movies this year.

Much has been said about the character of Megan (Melissa McCarthy), and all of it is true. She is the healthy looking of the crew, and the most sexiest of them as well. Her seriousness in her actions make her the Straight-Woman in this group. She stands out because her actions are done with forethought. Annie and Helen are great rivals in the film, and it is good to see what develops between them.

I can't reveal too much on this film, because I believe this will surprise anyone. You will love it for its freshness and shock value, or you will be just vexed...but most likely you will be pleased at this invitation to a most delightful pre-wedding you may see in a long time.

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